Hello YouTube!

I love the readings I get on YouTube. There are lots and lots of readers out there. Some read Tarot. Some read oracle cards, Some read tea leaves or Runes. Not only are these readings a lot of fun, but they are often very revealing and even comforting.

A couple of months ago, I decided to get on the bandwagon and add my voice to the many out there. So I began my own YouTube Channel called:

PARANORMAL ORACLE – Not Your Mother’s Tarot!

I’ve been having a really great time doing these monthly readings and I find it helps me to keep my “hand in” my channeling practice. How I approach the readings is that I spend time receiving a channeled message for each zodiac sign for roughly a month-long period. I begin my reading by reading each sign’s channeled message and then clarifying that message with three cards.

While God/goddess/universe/spirit/who/whatever has delivered fairly lengthy descriptions for each card,

I find that I am more comfortable simply using my intuition in the moment with my readings. I know that a lot, if not most readers use the cards this way. Because these cards were channeled, even I am not 100% familiar with the dictated meanings, although I have studied them to some degree. I don’t have any more of an advantage than anybody else who uses them!

I hope you find a few minutes to check out my channel and my readings!