UFOS – Just Another Glimpse Beyond the Veil?

“Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”
– President Ronald Reagan

Just how many U.F.O sightings are there every year?  It’s impossible to make this determination accurately.  A search of the web, however, will reveal that there are lots reported and probably many, many more that are not.

So just what are these things that people from all walks of life are seeing in our skies?  Do they have some kind of secret that allows them to traverse both time and space arriving here from some distant galaxy?  Are they randomly slipping through some kind of portal from another level of reality?  If so, why are they always in the sky?  Why don’t they ever manifest at ground level on Main Street? 

Are they as they appear actually crafts of some kind or are they something else entirely?  Is the “craftiness” some kind of disguise?  If so, why are they messing with us?

Some U.F.O sightings report objects that appear to be the familiar nuts and bolts variety – straight out of a 1950’s movie.  Others are more unstructured – glowing balls of light or shapeless masses.  The shapes and nature of the objects seems to change over time.

To add to the mystique, these sightings are not new to the modern era but have been reported throughout history.  It’s a tantalizing mystery that has accumulated an enormous amount of human baggage along the way.  In the absence of any real meaning to attach to these sightings, the subject is rife with overlays both personal and in the collective.

What are they showing us about ourselves?

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