Past Lives or Tapping into the Great Shared Consciousness?

Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn. 
― Mahatma Gandhi

Reincarnation kinda makes a lot of sense on the surface of things.  Why live only one lifetime and then spend eternity in unchallenging bliss?  I know that sounds really good on those days when life on Earth is wearying and the work-a-day world seems pointless.  In trying to imagine eternal bliss, though, I always hit a wall where it just seems like it would be profoundly and numbingly B-O-R-I-N-G.  We’re talking eternity here, after all.  Plus, if we’re here to learn lessons and we don’t actually learn them, then what?  Do we remain ignorant of those valuable lessons?

I have heard near death experiencers describe a state wherein they are able to tap into the Earth-life experiences of other souls on the other side.  One who describes the take-away from her time there as now knowing that we are here purely for the experience of EXPERIENCING.  No morality.  No Judgement.  We just bring back experiences – plain and simple.  Good. Bad.  Doesn’t matter.  It’s all about adding to an ever-growing pot of things done and felt while on Earth for the purpose of being re-lived by the collective.

My own puny Near Death-Like Experience doesn’t necessarily confirm this but it surely doesn’t deny it either.  I didn’t go far enough to make that kind of assessment.   For me, though, it’s plausible.

Having said that, the gist of it seems to be that once we are no longer confined to the material world, we are able to download the lifetime experiences of others.  It’s like we’re all here to add to that communal pot.  We’re adding to our collective virtual (but oh so real,) hoard of experience files.  I posit that much like the virtual reality that’s just beginning to become available on this side, when you’re in it, you’re really in it.  You embody that reality just the same as you’re embodying your world right now. 

One near death experiencer describes having been the donor of multiple “downloads” of her recent life-on-Earth experiences to numerous spirits who couldn’t seem to get enough.  Puts a different spin on things, huh?  Seems like maybe we all volunteer to do our time here to keep adding to the library.

With that in mind, I wonder if our past-life memories have more to do with a spontaneous dipping into the collective unconscious than actually having lived that pirate’s life.   Someone lived that life but maybe it wasn’t you, matey!  Maybe your contributions have always been more along the lines of peasant or what-it’s-like-to-live-with-vast-riches.  Maybe we each specialize in a few tried and true modalities that are familiar and comfortable and that we can navigate fairly easily.  Most likely, it’s a combination of these things.

It’s an interesting thought.  It tends to make you wonder just what reality actually is.  If a so-called past life/virtual memory can feel so real and so substantial, then how would it be different than actually living it?
